Taxes Trumped By Weak Currency

Canada TaxesIt is not a secret to anyone that there is a housing bubble in Canada, more specifically in Toronto and Vancouver. Many say the housing bubble is driven by wealthy Asian – mainly Chinese – investors looking for a place to park their capital. As a result, both cities have experienced quickly accelerating housing prices that are increasingly keeping locals out of the market. As a result, the government of British Columbia – the province where Vancouver is located – has imposed a foreign buyer tax of 15%. This tax is credited with cooling the market down over the last few months, but it seems its effect is now eroding. read more…

Markets Say Clinton While The Trump Card Spells Volatility Ahead

Trump vs Clinton debatePolitical outcomes have always influenced markets. The presidential election debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump on September 26th, had a special effect on the markets the following day. It seems that the strengthening of the Mexican Peso and the return of the Dow Jones to positive territory, prove that Clinton won. However this is only one debate, the first of three between the Republican and Democrat nominees. This means that Trump can still get back in the game and the markets will wobble even more.

In fact, until the election is settled on November 8th, these debates and their subsequent polls will put the market through a roller coaster. For market fact checkers out there, there is only one truth: investors can expect a lot of volatility while their political counterparts deal with the lies both Clinton and Trump tell the public. read more…

Colombian Peace Agreement: A Boon To Investors?

 FARC and Colombia peaceIn the shadows of the presidential debate between Trump and Clinton, a ceremony that could have deep economic impact in Latin America, took place in Cartagena, Colombia, just a few hours before the candidates faced off. While the debate may have drawn the attention from the ratification of the peace treaty between the Colombian government and FARC guerrillas, its impact is more significant for long term investments than the outcome of the debate.

The conflict in Colombia has been raging for more than half a century, hindering any prospects of fully fledged economic development in the country. Despite the drag from the conflict, Colombia has managed to economically outgrow many of its neighbors, and create a middle class that proportionally to the country’s population, is second to none in South America. Now, the peace agreement may have unlocked the final piece of the puzzle that can well catapult Colombia to regional economic leadership. read more…

Stocks And Bonds Rally, Yen Strengthens As Fed Keeps Cheap Money Policy

stocks, bonds and yenFor many it was not surprising to hear that the FOMC left the interest rate unchanged at 0.5% on Wednesday. Nevertheless, the markets reacted as if it were a completely unexpected outcome. Stocks and bonds rallied while the Yen and other currencies strengthened against the USD. Even oil surged as a result of the expected plunge in the value of the greenback. However hard Wall Street and investors are partying right now, the truth is that market values are unfairly inflated. This adds to the volatility and the risk in the markets, and it hits exports to the US market to the point where the US economy might even be perceived as growing at the expense of the rest. read more…

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Financial Markets – Preview for Week Starting 21st August 2016

Major Events of Last Week

Financial UpdatesWith global bankers convening for their annual meeting at Jackson Hole USA, next week, investors will now once again start focusing their attention on the timing of the next interest rate hike by the US Federal Reserve. In Europe, equities posted their largest weekly decline in practically two months last Friday while the Bank of England (BoE) expressed relief amid growing evidence that the British economy may have successfully weathered the storm generated by June’s surprise Brexit decision. The leading US indices weakened last Friday exemplified by the Dow Jones Industrial Average dropping 54 points; the S&P500 falling 6 points and the NASDAQ slipping 10 points lower. read more…

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US Federal Judge Rules That Bitcoin is Real Money

Last week US Federal judge Amos Mazzant ruled in favor of the SEC in a case against Trendon Shavers who ran the Bitcoin Savings and Trust of Texas (BTCST). Shavers took in $4.5 million in Bitcoin from investors, promising a 7% return. The SEC alleged that Shavers was running a Ponzi scheme as he was paying out earlier investors with funds from later investors while eventually going bankrupt. Shavers argued that Bitcoin isn’t really currency and no money actually changed hands and is therefore the transactions aren’t regulated by the SEC.

The SEC disagreed, contending that Bitcoins “are both investment contracts and notes, and, thus, are securities.” The judge ruled that Bitcoins are in fact money as they can be used to buy goods and services. If fact, Shavers spent much of the Bitcoin investments on his own living expenses.

In her article in Forbes, Kashmir Hill put it best, when she wrote  “Like Tinkerbell the blue fairy turning Pinocchio into a real boy, the judge sided with the SEC, giving Bitcoin his stamp of approval as real world money.”

Binary Options brokers began offering Bitcoin options earlier this year. Brokers had hesitated to add the virtual currency because of market risk associated with extreme volatility. Although still subject to extreme price fluctuations, Brokers became more comfortable as the level of Bitcoin volatility began to subside somewhat.

Now that Bitcoin has gained stamp of the approval as a real currency subject to regulations by the SEC it is bound to gain even more price consistency making it more attractive for investors and Binary Options traders alike. To learn more or to trade Bitcoin binary options visit TradeRush, one of the original Bitcoin brokers.

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