XPMarkets.com Review

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Year Established: 2011

Platform: Tradologic

Min. Deposit: $200

Visit Broker

Accepts USRegulationPayout
accepts usNoneUp to 81%open account

XPMarkets is a binary option broker incorporated by XP Markets LTD in the UK. XPMarkets platform is powered by  Tradologic.



Summary of XPMarkets Review:

Trader Information
Payout %81%
Minimum Deposit$200
US FriendlyYes
Demo AccountYes
Bonus50% - 200%
CurrenciesUSD, EUR

Platform Overview
No. Assets32
Asset ClassesStocks, Currencies, Commodities, Indices
Trading FeaturesStandard, One Touch, Range, 60 Seconds
Software PlatformTradoLogic


Full Review of XPMarkets

Customer Service: They provide email and live chat support  which is supposed to be available 24 hours.

Deposit/Withdrawal: Deposited with credit card and was able to activate right away. Withdrawal was completed within their suggested time frame.

Trading/Execution: Execution was satisfactory. Charts are clear, but don’t provide multiple clickable price points.

Features: Had a nice selection of features including touch, range, extend, close and auto trade.

Particular items which stand out are as follows:

  • Low minimum account requirement of $200.
  • Low minimum trade requirement of $5.
  • Extend and Close features to help limit risk.


XPMarkets Details

Assets Available to trade: Assortment of over 70 Stocks, Currencies, Commodities and Indices.

Currencies Accepted for Deposit: USD ($), EUR

Minimum Deposit Amount: $200, 200EUR

Minimum Trade Amount: $5

Maximum Trade Amount: $1,000 per order

Deposit Methods: Visa, MasterCard or Wire Transfer.

Withdrawal Time Frame: Within 48 hours.

Support: 24 Hour support via Live Chat and E-mail.

Demo Account: No Demo Account.

Bonus Structure: Deposit bonus up to 200%.

Trading and Features:

Upon opening the XPMarkets home page  you are presented sign in/sign up page with a stock ticker, live chat box and other information about the broker. After logging into account you are taken to the default trading screen.

XPmarkets Default Trade Screen

The default trading screen opens to the single view digital trade (Call/Put) screen. Trader can select asset choices either from the dropdown menu or by clicking on one of the asset tabs: Curreny, Indices, Stocks, Commodities.  The Favorites tab lists your recent trading assets. Trader can click on the Digital, Touch and Range tabs to select the desired trading feature.

Digital Trading

Digital trading is standard Call/Put options.  When you select a Call or Put option, the order box is displayed.

XPMarkets Order Box


Clicking on Auto Trade allows you to automatically select the same trading conditions for the next expiration time.

The open positions window is displayed when you execute a trade.

XPMarkets Open Order Box

In the above open trade box there are 4 open positions. A digital call, a digital put, an inside range trade and a touch trade. The first three positions are currently trading in the money and show a return including the profit amount. The last trade is trading out of the money and thus shows a return of $0. Clicking on the chart icon on the right side opens the current chart for that order.


If trader feels like time will run out before closing in his favor he can extend the trade time for a fee.


You can close a trade early at a special offer price.

Touch Trading

Trader can choose whether an asset will Touch a higher price by the expiration time or a lower price by the expiration time. Once asset trades at the given strike price trader profits. If time expires before asset reaches the strike price trader loses investment.

XPMarkets Touch Order Screen

Range Trading

Trader can choose whether an asset will be trading inside or outside of a given price range at the expiration time.

XPMarkets Range Trade Screen


XPMarkets – 1st Tradologic Broker to Offer 60 Second Options

60 Second Binary Options was pioneered on the SpotOption platform and first offered by TradeRush. After its popularity became clear Tradologic added it to their software and XPMarkets was the first broker on this platform to offer it. You can trade the full range of assets on the 60 second expiry times from the main trading screen.

XPMarkets 60 Second Binary Options Trading Screen

The XPMarkets 60 Seconds feature shows four trading screens at the same time which is a great advantage for options where speed is critical.



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