Markets Seem To Be Stabilizing

After a very volatile start to the year, markets seem to be finding stability. The prices of most commodities are still down from historic highs, and there are still lingering fears of widespread recession, but markets seem to be reacting more to data than to fear....

Retraction Strategy

A very popular trading strategy is termed ‘Trend Retractions’ which possesses one major benefit in that it allows you to trade in the same direction as the current trend. The main problem that you will encounter when using it is that you will need to determine if the...
Pair Options Strategies

Pair Options Strategies

Pair options allow you to trade a well-defined market neutral strategy which can produce profits under all market conditions, i.e. bullish or bearish trends, etc. This is because they enable you to speculate on the relative performance or two highly correlated assets...

Major Economic News Trading Strategy

The publication of key economic national data is highly anticipated by investors as they can produce substantial price surges. Excellent examples of these types of events that are regarded by traders as of the utmost importance are: National Interest Rate Changes, US...

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