In the coming weeks we will be presenting a comprehensive review of a series of Binary Option sites to give traders a feel for the different types of Binary Option brokers on the web. Before we begin to review individual Binary Option brokers we will be taking a look at the Binary Option trading platforms which are on the market.

What is the difference between a Binary Option Platform and a Binary Option Broker?

The platform is the system or technology used by a particular broker. There are about six companies that develop sites that allow for Binary Option Trading. The overwhelming majority of Binary Option Brokers are “white label” products. This means they are just using the technology or trading platform of one of these six sites and re-branding it with their own name.

It is therefore important to have an understanding of the different platforms, how they operate and what features they offer. Once you decide which platform makes the most sense for your trading needs it becomes much easier to choose a broker.

The six platforms that we will be looking at are as follows:

In the coming days we will post a review of each of the above platforms.


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